Friday, February 12, 2010

♥ 07.02.10-12.02.10 =)


At night .

My darlinq suddenly want goes The new Giant =)

The lift got a small tv =p first time saw inside lift also can watch cartoon XD

Then start buying ..

After finish shopping . we go up to take a look of the new cinema =)

Quick nice ^^ now . darlinq and me want watch movie also easy le .

♥ cute =)
daddy was drive till fast X)
My muii hand =)

inside the lift also can watch tv =)
darlinq very like my 丸子头==so call me let her take a photoo .

non make up =( yong shuii


这天 像平常那样去吖bii家 .

冲凉后 和Bi一起 休息 睡觉 打架 弄来弄去 聊天 =)


过后等达玲来载 Bi要去0UG办点东西 达玲载他去 .




晚上 爱人赶不回来


我们一去到 就买LENS盒 赫赫 =P 买了5个 =)


怎知才开始走 就看到他了

幸好bii没有气我去夜市没告诉他 =)

Bii and h0ney keep zat each 0ther and kidding much . make me keep laugh XD

After tat . Bii’s fred was calling him and he nid to go keng somethings with him

So I need to say bye to him a while XD

Buy zhan ju nai cha with honey and her mui .

We take a look of there’s shirt and dress .

After that . go eat . chat many things with h0ney =)

we chat until agitate . My Bii come find us . He stand behind me l0nq time I also din discover =p

After we eat . we ready to beck h0me coz wanna rain ald .

When the way we bek home . got a accident beside the r0ad .

Many ppl take photo ==

Wohoooo~ todae was a happy day ***

honey send us d new year wish card =)


After skol went to bibi house . we had a little argue on the way we beck h0me .

After bibi bath . I keep lau gai . bibi was try his best to tam bek me =)

bibi had a shirt not gam size with him . so give me wear it =)




After we awake .

Bibii bring me go eat my favourate japan food =)

Unagi =) ii like to eat

As our valentine dinner =DDDD

After that . go MC Donald buy lunch for my sis and darlinq .

Muackk . l0u gong i love all the thingss abt y0uuu !

Wo aiii nii ! 1 bei . zii ; y0ng bu saN !!~


Today give valentine present to 3 preciouss I really HEART =)

Babee Lover Honey



After school . goes Ts and sgwang with babee and bibi

Altough we are tired . but still want to go =)

Bibii beck home first and me and babee wait him at lrt station .

Chat with babee when at Lrt . many and many diffrent topic =)

After tat my bii was come . wow ! he wear so leng zai nia ==

Babeee asking he why wera so lenq zai ? for wd ?

I say he want go bao yi lai =p coz both of us wear skool uniform .


Today whole day let babeee and bii zat me ==

Until I no voice . yaya . y0uu two hakka win =)

We keep eat today . reach ts we go gasoline take our lunch .

Bibi was bought a zaizai to me =) damnnn cute .zaizai with a 安全帽

After ts . we go sgwang eat sushi and KFC ==

Really eat until bao bao .


Todae din go skol =)

Wake up in the morning take breakfast with my sis and darlinq .

After that . start to tidy and cleaning my house .

Whole noon din eat == kesian

Buzy of cleaning house and my lovely bed .

Whole body full of sweat . Yuckks . I want to bath !

Babe come find me at noon. To return bek money .

Hehehe XD

I hanging bibi bought to me d zaizai at my room’s door .

Feel happy when I saw it =DDD

Cleaning until night =( Tired X100

After dinner .

Help my darlinq and sis弄指甲.

帮她们弄到很满意 =) 可是自己的不是很满意

我弄的主题是花与蝴蝶 . 之前都是弄暗色系的

2010.新年新气象 =) 要换换了

Darlinq say mine not nice but my sis feel nice and she like it a lotss =)

Hehees XD thanksss . but ii more like their nails although also create by me.

At night . keep hear the b0m bom sound of fireworks =)

明晚 会玩到很夜吧 ? =)

My bii had send me a big valentine present =)

But he not allow me open it first =(

Coz hvn sampai sat 12.00am . valentine day still hvn arrive .

So . FAST ! coz I want to knoe wd he send to me .

Erm .. bibi . that present will let me feel surprise d mah =P ??

Bibi 's shirt =) YELLOW
Tiger in BLUEThe ribbon so got sham si XD

♥ I need the times to 0pen itss =(

sooo , pls fast !

14.02.10 ~

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